City Elections Center

About the 2025 Elections

2025 Elections

The City of Wellsburg, WV will be having our City Election in 2025.  The following offices are up for re-election:

Absentee Ballot Application

Absentee Ballot Application (PDF)

Absentee ballot applications must be completed in handwriting unless otherwise specified.  Applications can be scanned and emailed to Clerk Maguschak via e-mail at or they can be filed directly at the City Hall through the Collector Treasurer's office. 

Information for Candidates

Candidate Filing Requirements

State law requires candidates to file a certificate of announcement between the second Monday of January and the last Saturday of January before the election. The filing is made with the City Clerk's office, and may be made by mail, but must be postmarked by the U.S. Postal Service no later than midnight of the last day of filing. The form of the certificate is set by law and must be notarized. A certificate of announcement that lacks essential information may be rejected. W.Va. Code 3-5-7.

Our filing period is 01/13/2025 to 01/25/2025

To access the required paperwork, one may pick up a copy at City Hall available in the Collector Treasurer's office or they pay download a pdf copy online via the "Certificate of Announcement Packet" button below. 

Notarized filings can be submitted  during regular City Hall business hours to the Collector Treasurer's Office where the filing fee must be submitted. Filings are due by 01/25/2025 by 4:00 pm. 

Campaign Finance Reporting

1st Quarter Report
Covering: 01/01/2025 to 03/01/2025
Filing Dates: 04/01/2025 to 04/07/2025

General Report
Covering: 04/01/2025 to 05/25/2025
Filing Dates: 05/26/2025 to 05/30/2025

2nd Quarter Report
Covering: 05/26/2025 to 06/30/2025
Filing Dates: 07/01/2025 to 07/07/2025

3rd Quarter Report
Covering: 07/01/2025 to 09/30/2025
Filing Dates: 10/01/2025 to 10/07/2025

4th Quarter Report
Covering: 10/01/2025 to 12/31/2025
Filing Dates: 01/01/2026 to 01/07/2026

All candidates participating in the General Election are required to file the General Report and all quarterly reports. All candidates are required to continue to file quarterly reports until a zero balance has been established and a Final Report has been filed. 

Filing deadlines falling on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays are to be extended to the following day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday under W. Va. Code §2-2-1(15)(e).

City Clerk
Mikeal G. Maguschak

Chief Elections & Records Officer


Attn: City Clerk Maguschak
70 Town Square
Wellsburg, WV, 26070

2025 Election Dates

First day to receive application for absentee ballot from all voters

01/13/2025 to 01/25/2025
Candidate Filing Period
Forms available at Collector Treasurer's Office or City Clerk's office in City Hall. 

Deadline for Candidacy Withdrawl from Election

04/01/2025 - 9:00 AM
Uniform Drawing for Ballot Position
At: Council Chambers, City Hall

Last day to register to vote

05/28/2025 to 06/07/2025
Early Voting

General Election Day

Canvass Begins
At: Council Chambers, City Hall

Results Certified
At: Council Chambers, City Hall

New Terms Begin